Our main reason for going to the beach was to spend some time with our old friends Pete & Ash. It was such a privilege to spend the day with with them whilst they are down from Jo'burg on holiday. We know Pete & Ash from our time in Zim when Pete led River Of Life Church in Mount Pleasant. These days they live in Jo'burg where Pete leads GodFirst Church where amazing things are happening - check out their website.
Time is precious for Pete & Ash and obviously they want to make sure they have as much time together as a family so we felt very privileged to be able to spend so much time with them on the beach.
One of the highlights was the Idols roadshow which was close to where we were. Little Sam stole the show as Jack's dancer whilst he sang karaoke. As a result, the parents were called up on stage to demonstrate where the 'talent' came from. Pete was then on top form with his rendition of "Born in the RSA"!!
The Smyth family
Jack & Sam
Ice cream always goes down well
Charging around in the sea
Joel was well impressed with the police patrol
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