We're so proud of our boys at present as they're coping incredibly well in trying circumstances. Despite the difficulties they're both thriving in school & play-group which is great relief for us and they're really enjoying church which is a first in a long time for Joel. Sadly, they've both had quite nasty ear infections and it's looking like Joel may well have to have his grommets re-done. We'd appreciate your prayers for him as he can hardly hear a thing.
Thankfully the rain has abated for a few days although it is due back on Sunday/Monday for a few more days. We had hoped to miss the worst of the winter by being in the UK for June & July but this August has been so bad that we missed very little.
We're really enjoying this time of seeking God and seeing where He leads. There is no better place to be than trusting in Him. As we've said in a previous post, we're excited by church at the moment. We're going to Grace Community Church in the nearby town of Macassar. We won't say a whole lot here just yet, but we really believe that God led us to this church. For now we're really enjoying the authenticity of the church and the integrity which is so clearly evident in the lives of the leaders and members (we've known the lead elder for a few years now).
One good thing about difficult and uncertain times is that you really get to know who your friends are and who you can rely on. Thankfully we have a small but solid group of friends who are being really supportive out here and we're really grateful to them!
The photo above was taken yesterday when I managed to catch Eli completely off guard.
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