Most of the rest of the weekend was spent playing in and around the tent in the garden. Joel was really upset that we couldn't sleep in it for the last two nights, but tomorrow we're planning to get the mattresses and sleep out, but we'll see!
At least he thought it was funny once he'd struggled free
Eli & Iza running around
Examining something that was probably best left alone
Our tent in all its glory
Two very happy boys, they're really excited about the prospect of going camping
We had a 'Grumpy Face' competition..
..the jury is still out as to who won.. was a close fought contest!
Joel thought the whole thing was hilarious and was in hysterics when we saw the photos on the computer.
I guess Joel has to win the Grumpy Face Competition, because his face required more effort to produce than Dean's!!!! ha ha! Yes, I know I shouldn't laugh at my own joke, but it's quite good, yes?