One of our successes this year has been to link the Tiny bubbles Créche in Chris Nissen with the Nursery and Reception classes at Joel's school. A few of the parents have taken the créche to heart and really got involved. Sue, one of the mums wanted to do a Christmas party for the children in the créche and rallied the parents to give a quality present. Other parents contributed the food and one parent got a local sweet shop to donate 26 boxes of sweets. Father Christmas came too!

All this made for a great party for the children. Joel came along as one of the helpers as did Hannah from his class and two girls from reception class. Joel and the helpers were brilliant at serving the food to the children and then helping Father Christmas with the presents.

Some of the children at Tiny Bubbles créche enjoying their party

Sammy-Jo, ?, Hannah & Joel were the helpers and did a fantastic job of serving the food

Father Christmas took time out of his busy schedule to give the presents

Each child received a good quality present

Joel coped really well with the whole event but wasn't too keen to go back to school, however as we arrived in the school car park a helicopter came into land next to the school. Joel was thrilled as we watched it land, saw a man run to it and get in before it took off again. Joel couldn't wait to go and tell Mrs Walsh and his friends!


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