Joel was in his element and lapped everything up right up to the moment when they all had to go and hunt for a treasure chest which contained mini chests for each of them full of treasure - wow, we have heard nothing else all weekend!!
Needless to say, when Eli turned up half way through with dad, he also entered in to the swing of things as chief 'taster of all party food'. He also amused himself with a puppy and nearly collapsed with laughter when he managed to entice the poor animal to eat some birthday cake from a cup which got stuck on his nose - who says babies aren't sadistic!!
We are finding these occasions to be great ways to get to know the parents a bit better. We had some great conversations yesterday and are now looking forward to another 2 parties in the next 3 weeks - any excuse! Next stop a 'Superhero' Party - oh my word!
Eli getting stuck into the cake
With Morgen and their treasure chests
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