Bible Study

Today was a really good session for the simple reason that most of my old faithfuls turned up! Eight men came today which after the last couple of weeks is brilliant. I deliberately hadn't prepared a specific study as I wanted to talk about the future of the group and the direction of it. I'm really pleased that the guys decided they do want the group to continue, but more importantly they want to get back to doing 'proper' bible studies. This means a lot more work for me but it's a price I'm happy to pay! For the last few months we've been following the same material as the rest of the cell groups but it hasn't really been very good for my study group as most aren't members of our church. So, starting next Thursday we'll begin working our way through the book of Acts, looking at it's background, context and meaning of the text.

Next Thursday I will also hold the first of my evening sessions in CNP aimed at working men. Over the long weekend I was able to catch up with a couple of the key men in the community who want the group, so we'll begin at Robert's house and see how it goes. The initial plan is that I will facilitate the group rather than lead it (as I do with the morning group), hopefully the group will be led by the men themselves.

Please pray for my Thursday morning group, we want the group to grow numerically and spiritually. Pray too for the Thursday evening group, that it would be well received with plenty of men wanting to be a part of it.


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