A small flavour of the camp. It's always tricky photographing Black people, but capturing such shots using only the available light is especially tricky, so I'm really pleased with this shot.

Onto the week...
Dean took it easy and only visited Chris Nissen a couple of times, making sure he only went into 'healthy' homes. This has been hard as many of our friends have been asking after him but it would be foolish to go into any TB house whilst his defences are still low. Thanks for your prayers regarding Dean's health, he's much better but still not 100% so please keep paying.
Dean only managed on ride this week, he went on his own up the usual Sir Lowry's Pass route which he really enjoyed as the grading machine had been along the entire route making it a much more technical ride. The last 2K's were particularly muddy and his bike was heavily caked in clay when he came home. It's probably as well that he only managed one ride this week from a health perspective, but it has left him a bit frustrated.
Paula has been into CNP on Tuesday evening and had a great time chatting with three of our dear friends about the apartheid past and how they can forgive the whites for what they did. It was so obvious that God has done an amazing work of grace in this nation! Paula also visited this morning as usual and had a great time visiting and praying with some of the most vulnerable folk in the community.
The boys have had a good week, Joel has been learning about sea life (he could probably teach that lesson) and was the star of the class as he was able to take his sharks, starfish, octopus etc in to show the other kids. That is one of the real benefits of having annual membership at the Cape Town Aquarium! Eli just seems to dribble and smile his way through life with everyone he meets falling in love with him (what's not to love?!?). Needless to say he knows exactly how to milk the attention.
Big news church wise is that our entire eldership team have gone away on retreat today and tomorrow (Sat) and a small part of their discussion will be about us, our ministry and how it fits with the future of the church. Please pray for grace and wisdom as they talk plan and pray about this (and other church issues).

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