As usual the Christmas party was a lot of fun, Debs, Rach' and the staff really do put a huge amount of work into it and the whole event is brilliant.
The photos tell their own story, so we hope you enjoy them..
Dean juggling clubs (Joel is very proud of his Daddy this week as he appeared at his school to do some juggling and unicycling as they were doing 'Clowns')
One of the kids having a go with some balls

The diablo never fails to impress

The diablo climbing the string - the simplest and most impressive trick

Cat's cradle

Archie having a go with the diablo

Dean with his baby diablo

On his unicycle

Giving the kids a ride

some of them really enjoyed having a go

Some were not so sure

Eli with a 'Mama'

Joel really enjoys Emyezweni

Down to the serious issue of eating

Joel can't believe his luck, seconds of jelly

Rach (left) & Debs who run Emyezweni, they put a HUGE amount of work into the event!

Smiles all around

Some just couldn't tear themselves away from the food

Archie (right) & Friend, Archie and Joel really like each other and often mess about together on a Sunday morning

The Nativity

Joseph & Mary

Joel amongst his friends, waiting for Father Christmas

The anticipation mounts...

And here he is; Father Christmas with present for the kids

Not quite got the politicians touch!

Most were very happy to see Santa

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