I then went on to see Peter who is struggling with his health at present. We had a good chat and prayer together. I really value Peter and enjoy his presence in my bible study group. Please pray for him as he really does live hand to mouth with no formal income. I'm neve quite sure how he gets by, but I know he often goes a day or two without eating. I'm taking some food to him on Wed' so hopefully that will bless him.
I had one of my rare chats with 'Security' (he runs a shabeen - den of iniquity), he tends not to be tooo available to chat with, but when we do stop and talk we get on really well. Please pray for him (real name: Richard), pray that God would break into his life and that he would repent and turn to God. From there I went on and spent time with Michael and then Aletta & Mama Jane, three stalwart church members and each an absolute pleasure to spend time with.
That was my afternoon in CNP and thoroughly enjoyable it was too!
Mary with Avril

Dina with Lytton

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