Eli contemplating a spot of pole dancing

Hamlyn family; Richard, Sal, Josh (in sad shirt) & Isaac. Richard & Sal are Joel's Godparents and a complete blessing to us as a family!

Joel really enjoyed playing at their house as it's paradise for a boy, being full of trains, tractors and the like. A welcome change from Joel's forays into his cousins rooms to use their nail varnish etc. (don't ask!).
With our good friend Alaric from our days at All Nations Christian College. Alaric is serving in Sapporo in Japan.

Hmmm a compliment (hey we are "a complete blessing") and an insult (Josh wearing a "sad" MAN U shirt) all in one Blog! Not bad hey? We loved having you guys over here .... every time I put the umbrella up in the garden I think of Eli "pole dancing" at it! Funnily enough, Joshua's room has been tidier since Joel's tractor rummaging departed!!!