We had a really good long Easter weekend which started with spending the morning at Spier vineyard, they have an excellent play garden for children and do lovely picnics, they also have a small Cheetah reserve which was a treat.
For the rest of the weekend it was great to be able to spend so much time together as a family and Joel definitely benefited from Dad being around so much. On Sunday we had a great dinner with some friends, there were 8 adults and 17 children so it was a little chaotic. Thankfully our friends have a trampoline in the garden and the children kept themselves amused. On Monday we went to the Aquarium in Cape Town which is one of Joel's favourite destinations (our membership has paid for itself many times over!).
Mutual adoration! We are so thankful to God for answering our prayers for Joel & Eli, they really do adore each other.
Joel has just started to swing himself and now whenever he disappears we know he's on his swing in the garden
Bouncing at Spier
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