Family wise we're generally OK although Joel has a really bad cold right now and Eli is showing signs of picking it up. Joel had to miss church yesterday which wasn't much fun, but he's managed to go to nursery this morning.
On Friday Paula went shopping with Dina & Aunty Poppy to get the food for round two of the feeding program we are running with the generous support of Hertford Baptist Church. In the afternoon Dean called in on Aunty Poppy and ended up helping to make up the food parcels and then distribute them. This was an interesting experience as we know that they have received a lot of abuse and hassle from other residents who have not received any food so far. Dean copped for this abuse on Friday and it was good to be able to put the record straight. Most of the folk complaining don't fit the criteria for receiving food, and two of the most vociferous complainers are some of the wealthiest residents of CNP. Isn't that always the way!
We thank God that so far we have managed to provide food for twelve families who are suffering both physically and financially, it's really good to know that we've had a direct impact upon them and their lives. please pray that we can continue to meet the needs of the most needy in the community with this food. Thank God too for Hertford Baptist Church in making this whole program possible.
Below are some recent photos of our family life, hope you enjoy them..
Joel & Eli enjoying a "turtle" in the Helderberg Nature Reserve

Eli watching Spikey

Eli intently watching his toy, he enjoys bashing this

Joel 'fixing' his helicopter. Dad had his toolkit out so Joel had to get his too

Great photos, we especially like the one of Joel and the helicopter. It's so cute the way boys often aspire to be just like their dads!