Here Joel's attempting to wake Eli up. Joel doesn't really understand why Eli is so boring at the moment, however we know that will change all too quickly.
Dad & Joel having a 'squash & a squeeze', if you're a fan of Julia Donaldson you'd understand! Joel loves her books and likes to act out his own interpretations of her stories.

Joel buried up to his knees in the sand.

Joel & Paula with our beach tent, if you look carefully you can see Joel's kite flying.

Joel with a hermit crab, sadly he likes to torture them without realising he is being mean to them.

Hmm, lots to comment on here! Firstly we will be sending a razor out for Dean and ... can we all join in the "squash and the squeeze?" .. or we may turn into a very hungry Gruffallo! There, now do I get street cred for knowing who Julia Donaldson is!!