Joel has been unwell for the last 2 days and has quite a high fever at the moment (many kids seem to be suffering with the same thing) so we're in a period of broken nights which is a real shock to the system and we really don't cope well. Joel usually sleeps a solid 11 - 12 hours at night.
Vissy made a remarkable recovery after looking so close to death last week, but sadly she appears to have gone downhill again in the latter part of this week. Please continue to pray for healing for her. We'd love to see God's name glorified in CNP through such a miracle!
Dean attended the CNP cell on Wednesday night and really enjoyed his time there, this is always such a good group. Sadly, Dina caught her husband in a very compromising sexual position that evening, she had gone over to one of the Rasta's houses to ask them to turn the music down so we could have cell and whilst there she saw the incident. Needless to say Dina is distraught and doesn't what to do. Please pray for grace, wisdom and strength so that she is able to behave in a Godly manner. This is an awful position to be in and will require a huge amount of grace on Dina's part to get through it.
At long last summer does appear to have arrived (we've said this before and then the rains kept returning) with the temperature climbing into the high 20's, hopefully the Southeasterly wind will continue blowing as that is what provides the warmth.
We're expecting Andy Clasper a friend from our old cell in Wimbledon to arrive in the next few days, he's been in SA for a week or so already and it will be great to catch up.
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