Due to the Cape Elders meeting, Dean’s bible study was held on Friday. An excellent time was had looking at the life of David, continuing our series of Character Studies from the Bible. There is so much to look at with David so we concentrated on aspects of his character and looked at Psalms 23 & 51 as well as a whistlestop tour through the basics of David’s reign.
Paula’s visit to CNP on Friday morning was both excellent and frustrating, which seems to be the way. So many people who are sick are either not getting the attention they deserve, or they are not going to collect, or are not taking the correct medication for their illness. Two of the people Paula visited are very sick, but, despite several months of illness, neither has yet had a proper diagnosis from a doctor! This is a very common story and Paula is going to take both to see a private doctor next week just so that they can be referred to the Hospice to receive the care they so desperately need. As usual, this will probably be at our expense and it remains frustrating that we so often just can’t seem to get past these short-term solutions.
Dean & Joel had the morning together on Saturday (whilst Paula had some ‘me’ time) and went to the Helderberg Nature Reserve (definitely one of our favourite trips out). Joel was really excited to see a couple of tortoises (turtles as he calls them) and lots of Bontebok followed by feeding the ducks. Whilst walking they also disturbed a Cape Eagle Owl (accidentally) which was amazing to watch in flight. Later at the information centre one of the volunteers told us about ‘Spikey’ the porcupine, so off went Joel & Dean to see him. Joel was equally excited and scared by Spikey but went back three times to see him. In the afternoon we met up with Richard & Felicity with Matthew and went to Delheim for coffee and cake. Joel & Matthew are fast becoming very good friends which is great as they’re the same age. The parents are also becoming good friends which is a real answer to prayer!
Hope you enjoy the photos below...
Spring Cape flowers in the Helderberg Nature Reserve

Joel stood by one of the many ponds in the Nature Reserve

Joel with his favourite animal in the Nature Reserve, 'Turtle' as he calls them

Joel attempting to lead Matthew astray.

Another interesting African roadsign

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