We've had a really good weekend topped off this afternoon by spending a few hours at the seaside followed by fish & chips on the beach watching the sunset over Table Mountain. Joel had a ball and was getting really brave, wading through the breaking waves.
Here goes with an update on CNP..
Oupa Boyd died just over a week ago and his funeral took place early in the week. He was a well respected man in the community and is already missed. Please pray for his widow, Ouma Lockie, and the family as his death also means a significant drop in income for them.

Basil is really struggling with stomach pains, he has some very odd looking lumps on his tummy but neither he nor anyone else appears to know what they are, we suspect cancer, but don't know for sure. Since his last clinic trip he's really reluctant to go again, unfortunately he wasn't treated with much dignity. Paula took him there for 8 am and he was eventually seen at 11 and told that his lungs are shot and that he should stop smoking. He was sent away with some panadol. Considering he has diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma, that wasn't too good!

Ouma Sophie received news on Friday that one of her daughters had died and so she left CNP very early on Saturday to get home for the funeral. Whilst this is sad, we're actually rejoicing because she has decided not to return to CNP but rather to stay with her family in Citrusdale. This is such an answer to prayer, but we also need to pray that she'll break free from her relationship with Leon, he really is bad news for Ouma and is incredibly abusive of her.
Dirk was released from prison just over a week ago and Dean finally caught up with him on Thursday. Dirk was previously out on parole but breached his conditions and so had to serve the remainder of his sentence. Please pray that Dirk would come to church, he's been promising to for a while and we'd love to see him saved.
you're in our thoughts and prayers loads.