That wasn't the best weekend I've ever had, particularly being on my own for Sunday lunch, never mind. In the afternoon I went to the Nature Reserve armed with my camera and went on one of the longer walks (don't normally get a chance with Joel), the weather was stunning (very cold overnight) with cloudless skies and I took some lovely piccys, I hope you enjoy the ones below.
We've posted a photo of the Cape Sugarbird before, but this shot is particularly nice as it shows the bird on top of South Africa's national flower, the Protea.
The Common Fiscal Shrike is actually quite a shy bird and it's quite unusual to get a good shot of one.
This is a Leopard Tortoise and is significantly smaller than the ones Joel normally gets to see in the Reserve. This one was ambling along and stopped to look at me!

I have no idea what this flower is but it's very beautiful!

Again, no idea of the name of the flower but the colours in this shot are really nice.

Not sure whether to compliment the good camera, the decent film being used, or the photographer!!! Stunning photos though!