On our way home from Cape Agulhas we drove along the coast road to Hermanus in the hope of seeing some whales. There were a few in the bay but due to the grim weather they were quite a way out and certainly not performing for us. Never mind, we continued on the coast road and as we got to Gordon's Bay we saw several whales enjoying themselves and they were very close to the shore. As you can see from the photos below, we had a great view of the whales.
This photo shows a whale 'spyhopping' which is when they poke their head out of the water without actually breaching
In the photo below you can clearly see three whales swimming together with the one on the left 'blowing'.
Paula and Joel whale watching at Hermanus, unfortunately the whales were quite a way out as the weather was awful and the swell on the sea was around 5 metres.
Susannah, Joel and Paula walking at the Southermost tip of Africa in Cape Agulhas.
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