Dean felt really saddened for Enslen who appeared to understand what was going on but was not being given any opportunity to express his own grief, rather he was forced to sit in a corner and not move. Amazingly the funeral started bang on 9am and the coach was spot on time to take people to the cemetery in Sir Lowry's Pass. We really praise Goad that the funeral went so smoothly with so much glory being given to God.
This afternoon we went with Mary to see the penguins at Simon's Town. Joel really enjoyed pointing out all the penguins to us and Mary was stunned by the scenery on the drive and then the location of the penguins. We feel so blessed to live just 40 minutes by car from such amazing experiences.
Aunty Kuku enjoying the sun. If you want to get warm in winter you sit outside as our houses are all so cold!
Aunty Kuku's family are really concerned about her as she's been unwell for a while but refuses to admit it. Also, she doesn't appear to have registered Patrick's death at all. Please pray for Aunty Kuku, we love her dearly and long to see her in full health and enjoying life.

Enslen is one of Patrick's grandchildren. He has some form of palsy and receives extra support from a local special needs school.

The Helderberg mountain viewed early in the morning from Chris Nissen Park.
Ouma Sophie can be seen on the left of the photo.

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