Roller Coaster

Tuesday started with an email from Paula's sister telling us that Michael Howard had died. Michael was the vicar in Weald for several years and was due to retire in a few months. We had tremendous respect and love for Michael and his family and they were key supporters of our ministry. Michael will be sorely missed by a lot of people and especially in the village of Weald, please remember them in your prayers.

In the evening we went to the Kalk Bay Kitchen with some friends. This is an amazing theatre which has been setup in a disused church building. The experience comes as a package so we had our starters and main courses upstairs before watching the play downstairs. The play was "Black Men Like Me" which was a duologue between an old and cynical black man and a young optimistic black man working together in the same factory. We both agreed this was one of the best bits of theatre we have ever seen and we had a fantastic night! After the play we returned upstairs for dessert before rolling out into the night to wend our way home.

Dean had a positive afternoon in CNP and was joined unexpectedly by John -one of the FYP's. We followed up on the first time visitors to church which is good as we were able to encourage and pray with folk.

So that was our roller coaster day.


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