Items For Prayer

Please pray for Michael and his daughter (we don't know her name and M was to upset to give it) as she has been attacked. She definitely has a broken arm and it appears that she has been raped, although we can't confirm this. Michael is really upset and feeling very angry, pray for grace as he comes to terms with his daughter's ordeal.

Joel is covered in spots at the moment, we thought it might be measles, but thankfully the GP was able to rule that out very quickly! The spots don't seem to be bothering him but they look really unsightly. The bad news is that we have no idea as to what they are or how they were caused (but everyone else seems to be an expert!). Please pray that the spots would go just as quickly as they came.

Gary returned home from NZ today and was going to spend the evening with Simon's widow, Lindsey. Please pray for Gary & Nicky as they deal with the loss of Gary's best mate, but also as they seek to comfort Lindsey and help her to achieve some form of closure around Simon's death. We really feel for them all and really long to see God's name glorified through this situation!

We'll keep you posted on answers to prayer.


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