So are we wasting our time?
I would argue that no we're not wasting our time.
John's gospel account of Jesus death is quite clear that when the Romans pierced Jesus' side blood and water flowed out. Anyone with a modicum of medical knowledge knows that in death blood and water separate. So we know that Jesus was dead. Also, he's been brutally attacked in his run up to the actual Crucifixion which would have helped to hasten his death.
The Bible then tells us that Jesus made a number of appearances after His death. Over a forty-day period Jesus appeared to hundreds of people. His first appearances are recorded on Easter Sunday when he appeared to Mary Magdalene, the women that came to Jesus tomb (Mary the Mother of James, Salome, and Joanna), Peter, and two disciples on the Emmaus road. He also appeared to the remainder of the Twelve Disciples though Thomas was absent, which gave rise to his title doubting Thomas. Later Jesus appeared to them with Thomas present.
There was also an appearance to seven disciples on the Sea of Galilee. On another occasion he appeared to over five hundred people at the same time. There is also an appearance to James. Finally Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus – the man who became the apostle Paul.
These appearances convinced his disciples, beyond any doubt that he had risen from the dead and I'm convinced of it too.
This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2013.
He is Risen! He is truly risen! Alleluia and Amen! Death is no more!