I love my kids, they truly are my pride and joy!
I'm blessed to have two great boys and even more blessed to have two boys who are so very very different. I believe the fact that they are so different is what makes them such good brothers and friends. They rarely compete with each other, they know what they're each good at and really support each other. They truly are a pleasure to be around.
This picture sums them up pretty well, Joel is a normal active boy who really enjoys exploring his world and learning new stuff. Eli lives life to the max and at times it feels like life with him is just a blur, he's a real human dynamo and I wouldn't have them any other way!
This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2012.
My boys are my everything to me too (as are my grandchildren), each one different, beautiful, unique! Blessings!