We've never been fans of the 'date night' concept, in fact it ranks in my top 5 of all time rubbish Facebook posts. I hate it when folk post about date night, just go and get on with it, we don't all want to know about it! What really gets me though is when courting couples talk about date night. Excuse me? You're courting, every night should be date night. Go get a life!
Rant over.
For us this passion for eating out has been a great way of preserving our marriage as we make this time very exclusive (I know we've got company in the photo) free from others and the shackles of cell phones etc. It's great to get away from everything each week and just have a few hours to talk and reconnect during the busyness of life.
When can we go to Taste again?
This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2012.
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