My bikes are important to me as I'm passionate about cycling and I'm really proud to have passed on a love of cycling to my boys.
I have to admit to not being sure how this happened but between the three of us we have six bikes, a trail-a-bike, a few frames and a mountain of spare parts lying around the place. I guess we ought to think about sorting it out and getting rid of a few bits but if truth be told we won't and the collection will just increase.
One of the things I love most about cycling is being able to push myself to complete challenges that I never believed I would be able to. The biggest and best (so far) has to be the 2009 ABSA Cape Epic. From start to finish the whole thing is truly epic and a lot of fun. Maybe one day I'll get to do it again but for now I'm very proud of having ridden it and finished in the top half!
This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2012.
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