This weekend was far from a normal weekend (whatever one of those is) with Dean having a meeting after church followed by a big meeting between ourselves, Wesley one of our church elders and a church member from CNP who's not very happy with us at present. This particular meeting was quite tough and long but needs careful follow-up to ensure issues are addressed properly and our work in CNP can continue to grow. Please pray for our church members in CNP, we long to see them living lives which glorify God's name and build His kingdom in the community. A huge THANKYOU goes to Jo for looking after the boys whilst this was all going on. You're a star!
As ever the boys had a lot of fun and the trampoline continues to get a lot of use. Joel is getting very confident on it (as you can see) and Eli is determined not to be left behind.
Eli somehow managed to get himself up the rope ladder, now he need to learn to get down
Our winter fire wood came and we had a lot of fun putting it away. Joel & Eli were 'helping' Daddy
Joel's pirates caught a barracuda so Joel felt it was important to photograph the moment. Here's one of his experiments with the camera..
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